Spurred on from those images that utterly drew me in and had me soaking in the every detail, we have streamlined our approach to sessions. Drawing from the approach I was using for my engagement and wedding photography previously that spoke to telling the story of a relationship and using details to tell that story, we have expanded that to all of the areas we photograph.
Introducing: This Season Sessions
A showcase of what season of life you are in this year. In our family, the seasons are huge. We love nature. And we love food. We eat what is in season each year, and over time our tastes change and our activities change. Whether it's food or life, it's the same idea. I'd love to let you keep a glimpse into your own life during this season.
I'll spend a morning, afternoon, or evening with your family (large or small, young or old) and capture the reality you are in right now. If that is bedhead, jammies and banana pancakes on a Saturday morning, awesome. Or if it's headed out for ice cream and a walk through the park. If it's sailing the toy boats at Lafayette Square. Or playing out in the backyard. Or cooking dinner together. Homework at the kitchen table. Changing diapers. Reading books on the couch. Hiking through the woods. Whatever it is, it's in season right now. Savor it now before the season is through.

I photographed a few portraits, but this is otherwise a completely unscripted morning with me as a fly on the wall getting all the details of life in this season. I walked away changed. How rare to have someone in on your daily routine, seeing the unset table, the eggshells in the sink, and sheets left crumpled, and the baby still in his PJs.

I'd encourage you to take the time to watch their full show, join us for some brunch with friends and think about what this season means to you.
Our hope is that, in addition to short shows like this, we will also create novel-like books sharing the story of the seasons. Have you seen our novel?
For some of our faithful photographed families and couples (and new ones, too), the mini session is still the way to go, and we'll still offer those simple, portrait driven sessions in addition to our This Season Sessions.
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