Purple Lemon Photography

The Novel

Thursday, March 13, 2014
We're rolling out some new changes here at Purple Lemon Photography.  I am working to get everything updated and changed over before we bring our newest additions home from Ghana.

One of the things that I started to notice over the last few years was that my wedding couples and families loved the idea of an album, but weren't really keen on what the options were.  I had one really popular album type, which is super-modern. And it will stay.

The demographic that I love to photograph and that love my company are usually young, unique with a strong tendency to value the visual arts.  Those who love photography, graphic design, artistry in all areas- from design to food to dance to everyday life.  They are overwhelmingly practical, perhaps short on space, and looking for something a little different. 

Which led me to The Novel.
A graphically rich book that tells the whole story of a wedding day (or documentary-styled family session). 

Upwards of 250 pages.
Simple. Sits on a bookshelf with the rest of your library, easily flipped through.

Unlike anything I've ever seen.