I can't recount the number of times I told Rusty & Marian how cute they were on their wedding day. Seriously, they are so cute. Gushy, and wonderfully in love. Just look at how they look into each other's eyes with such joy and sincerity!
A few favorites from their wedding day...
Music and theater are a huge part of their lives, so it was only fitting that they had a variety of friends participate in their ceremony with music.
Just look at how he adores his bride...
Marian & Rusty's wedding party was so lively that it was a blast photographing their laughter and joy.

Marian, without hestiation shouted, "Yes!" when I asked if they wanted to play a game (in the fairly soggy meadow with heels, nonetheless). I made it up on the way there in the car, and called it "Freeze Photo"- it seemed to be a hit! I will probably have folks play it again- they laughed so hard. Here is one of several hilarious outcomes.

The location for the photographs was at Castlewood State Park- where Rusty proposed. I love this serene photograph (by Chase) of Marian following Rusty to the spot where he professed his intent for marriage.
And here they are at the exact spot. Marian was such a trooper, heading down in a creek bed in her dress. True love is sacrificial.
Not only did they have cake, but they had s'mores! (which ended up all over my face and hands, very professional me, don't you think?)
once again, very professional of us, right?