Purple Lemon Photography

Backyard Beautiful, Phase 2

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Be sure to see part one of this post here.

After we did the first part of the session, we switched it up.  For a five year old, making things silly sure does make it worth it to go for some more photos!  Who doesn't love a dress AND and skirt with baby leg warmers on your arms with your head wrapped up?

Mostly just an outfit change, and the addition of a few extra props, but a continuation of the dreamy, imaginative afternoon in the backyard theme.  More experimentation on my part, and voila!

Soft and dreamy....
 Light and cheerful.
More somber, contemplative.
And congratulations to you, young friend, as you get to be big sister to three this week! What a treat to snap a couple photos of your littlest brother.