Purple Lemon Photography

Sara's Dancin'

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I had the opportunity to photograph some dance portraits and headshots, and I love it every time.  It is such a creative outlet for me.  The movement and posing is so beautiful and exciting, and dancers have this way of just understanding how to move to create nice lines and visually interesting interaction with the camera.

Amusing tale: Most of these photos were taken in my church lobby, where space and color are ample.  I kept chuckling to myself because we were rocking out to a Lady Gaga pandora station and had equipment and tutus and leotards strewn all over while leaping off of chairs and moving furniture here and there.  Thanks to Ben & Eric.  Not your average day in the life of a pastor, eh?

We worked to show a variety of aspects of Sara as a dancer.  I love the combination of athleticism, spunk, and liveliness with grace and poise.