This particular wedding had been in many ways, up-in-the-air for our family for quite some time as we anticipated our newest son, though adoption, to join our family here in St. Louis. We had no idea if we would be in the country or if I would be on maternity leave, and had back up plans and back up plans for back up plans. As weeks drew nearer for us to go to see our son, the weeks also drew nearer to their wedding date, and I did not know if we would be able to make it or not. While gone, we expected our trip to be extended and that our back up plan was headed into action. Then we had to unexpectedly leave our son in foster care for a while. After a harsh emotional week without him home with us, we were able to join in with Carrie and Anthony and enjoy a most beautiful September day. (To read more of our adoption journey, head over to our other blog
I began to wonder if I'd have to be like the white rabbit in saying, "I'm late! I'm late, for a very important date!"
This wedding was no doubt, one of great visual interest, unique inspiration with an Alice in Wonderland theme, and a lot of fun. I have been to many interesting weddings, several relaxed and fun, but none complete with costumes, yard games, board games, and a food truck! What a unique way to spend the evening with your family and dear friends. There is much I could say, but I'll let the photos tell the story of their intimate garden wedding and unique Alice and Wonderland party.

Many congratulations and smiles as wide as the Cheshire Cat.
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