Purple Lemon Photography

I love my church

Monday, June 6, 2011
Last summer, I wrote a blog post following the summer conference I went to with my church and how it had changed my views as a photographer.  You should read it.  The short version is that regardless of how we see ourselves, full of our insecurities and doubts, God loves us and created us wonderfully.  It is part of my job to help people see themselves as God sees them- beautifully.

Anyhow, that conference is coming up again, and I was asked to create some photographs that represent our church.  Just looking back at yesterday makes me realize why I love my particular local church (City Lights Church) so much.


 Diversity. A true glimpse of Heaven.
Prayer for each other. Full of compassion and expectation.

 Worship. (with excellent music, I might add)
let's not forget the very first bite of a donut!

1 Comment:

Christy said...

Ahhhhh...we miss all you guys! Thanks for sharing Nikki!