I read once about a philosophy for engagement sessions that is like a date for three. I loved it! It helps me express to couples that we are going to be engaging with the environment, and that we aren't just looking for a cool tree or wall to photograph by, but we are going to find locations that have meaning for them and that they should behave like they would on a date- smiling, laughing, interacting with each other more than me.
We started at their apartment.

To quote Michaela, they are "avid readers" and are students, so off to Subterranean Books for some flirty, funky pictures. Thanks to the staff there for their help and willingness to let us take over for a little while! This stop was full of hilarity as we all tried to find book with good titles to use as our "props" but kept finding all the worst possible titles for our needs. Also, 3-D glasses. Need I say more?

They even look into each others' eyes with their 3-D glasses on. :)

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