Purple Lemon Photography

Bedrest Babies

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This afternoon the little guy and I took a trip. We went to show him off to all the nurses who were so helpful while I was in pre-term labor (for a month!) and then who helped me give birth to his squirmy self. Thanks St. John's nursing staff! It was also a good way to deliver some business cards to all the women who gushed over some of the pictures I had online while I created my business on a laptop in the hospital.

While speaking with one of the nurses who deals specifically with women like me- high risk pregnancies who end up on the antepartum floor- a wing full of pregant women trying to keep their babies IN, I realized something I already knew... I sat in that room every day sad that I wouldn't be able to get some good maternity shots. My brain was ticking during the lonely moments and I came up with ways to take my own maternity shots in the hospital room. Thankfully I went home the day before I delivered and got to take some at home, but those thoughts are still there. Also, many high risk pregancies end with the baby in the NICU. The pictures of my son in the NICU are so precious to me. They rank among my very favorites.

So, that being said, I'm creating a special deal for "Bedrest Babies." If a mom needs me to come to her room to take her maternity shots, I will. If they want pictures in the NICU, I'll do that, too. And if they want pictures later, that's great. But here's the deal. For at least the duration of 2009, I will take NICU pictures for free with the purchase of any of my maternity or baby packages (including the combination package that includes both sets in one album).

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Your pictures are amazing. Are the NICU pictures Eli? What a lucky baby to have such giving and loving parents. Love, Debbie (aka Mrs. Field)