Purple Lemon Photography

I love pregnant bellies.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
I do. I really love pregnant bellies.  Though sometimes mine gets in the way, and I kind of heave it up in the air when I walk (and sheesh, I know...I've got a lot of time ahead of me and I can expect mine to get HUGE).

Erin let me photograph her lovely, round belly last week.  It was hot day for for two preggos to waltz about a lake, but let me tell ya- I'm loving these!  Just a few more weeks and we'll get to know what cute bundle is hiding in there- boy or girl? Your guess is as good as mine...
Erin totally went with it for this idea (and Kevin, her husband, proved to be an excellent assistant for this), and I so glad they trusted me!
One of the goals of this session was to show their relationship through romance and nature.  Now, granted it was hot outside, but this is downright steamy. :)

 Again, Erin trusted me, and let me say, I love it!