Purple Lemon Photography

My Little Rebel Copycat

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
One of my assistant-friends photographed earlier this year near our homes (we're also neighbors), which happens to be near the airport. There is an area that used to be a neighborhood, but with the airport right there it was shut-down, our own little ghost-town, minus any cool buildings. Just roads.  I'd been up there a time or two since checking it out and showing my hubby.

One afternoon, to celebrate a good day at school, I took Eli up there for a photo session, for which he wanted to take a camera, too. We discovered that afternoon the entrances all but blocked off and in a very obscure location (which I easily could have missed entirely, and almost did) a no trespassing sign.

We were rebels. He was learning how to pose. It was grand.


Then I decided he looked too grown up.
What do you think?