Purple Lemon Photography

At home with me. Not about photography.

Friday, December 18, 2009

This is a personal blog post.  It's not going to display my amazing photography skills. ;) But rather, tidbits about my son that I want to share. Just for fun.  Everyone loves baby pictures.

Isn't this reflection just a bit creepy?

I discovered him in his room yesterday trying to help me fold his diapers.

I am the only one in the room, and obviously, not to his right. What a goofball...  But in his highchair, he's captive and I can take his pictures.

Has anyone else ever noticed that the pictures that camera manuals/photo-instruction-book-things always have terrible pictures like this as their samples?  Never gives me much hope that it'll give me an excellent outcome...

 We have given him the nickname BT lately because he just barrels through.  Who would think to themselves, "Hmmm.... Self, let's just squeeeeze in this little furniture-crevice and then crawl under my tiny baby seat to get out in the wide open floor where I will choose not to play with any toys."

That's all.

1 Comment:

Anna said...

What great pictures! He is getting so big! I hope you guys have something fun planned for Tuesday...