Purple Lemon Photography

Gearing up...

Friday, September 4, 2009
I am looking forward to a few family shoots with babies this weekend, as I've had a few weeks of resting. It's time to get back in the game!

This morning, I wanted to show my family around the world the little (HUGE) guy in his cousin's old jammies, lookin' super cute. So to the friendly, free Skype world we went (as we go most days), and nuts... no one was home. In order to show off the cuteness and gear up for the weekend, while ensuring the camera that is NOT getting repaired way off in California is in top working order, we did a mini shoot in the hallway.

I love my son.

Stay tuned for some fun posts of my weekend shoots and upcoming sales. Happy Holidays! (Labor day, that is).


Anna said...

Those jammies are so cute! We call them jam jams in our house :)
My sister and I used to wear those with the zipper from our ankle all the way to our neck and slide down the carpeted stairs in the house we grew up in. No carpet burns with those cover-alls!
He is such a cutie!

Janele Oros said...

he looks like an ad in magazine! Compliments to you and Brian for making such an adorable little guy ; )