Purple Lemon Photography

Picture Around the Globe

Friday, July 10, 2009
As stated here on my website, Purple Lemon Photography in the form my husband and I are dedicated to helping spread the gospel through international missions. We support several missionaries and are often included in newsy updates from many more on the mission-front around the globe. I just wanted to give a few updates about what God's doin' around the world.

For the sake of privacy and protection, I'll just use initials here, today.

B is headed to Jua Kali, Kenya with a team at the end of this month to serve and bless orphans there on a short term trip. She has felt a draw to Africa since she was quite young and due to the Lord's faithfulness has the opportunity this summer. They are currently preparing for their trip.

My brother, B, and his wife, K, and their family are raising funds to continue serving in the London area. Praise God for the birth of their second child just one month ago. They serve teenagers in a boarding school situation, so even though most of their students are gone for the season, they are busy preparing for camps, raising funds in a society that requires a lot of money with a weakening dollar, and preparing for the return of students in the fall. You can follow them here: http://bnkeelynn.blogspot.com/

A dear friend R is getting ready to return to the U.S. after a two-year stint in East Asia. We look forward to hearing what God will be leading her to do next.

B & R (seen here & here) have just returned from a trip to Russia. They are readjusting to life back in America and getting ready to share pictures (yay!) and stories in the coming weeks. I can't wait to hear about the happenings of their journey.

There's a small update on some friends serving around the world. Please pray for them all as summer is a very transitory time for them. Tons of changes.